Sunday, February 15, 2015

Our day...

Up at 2am

Take out trash/compost

Get on the Blueshuttle

Arrive at BWI

Watch asshole flyer fight with asshole ticket taker way longer and fiercer than anyone should at 3am

Fly to Raleigh NC

Realize Raleigh NC is a useless town because it's also only 10 degrees in full sunlight

Poop in Raleigh Airport's surprisingly nice bathroom

Get on a plane so old that it probably was used to bomb Union soldiers

Fly south

Realize the 50+ year old couple next to me are completely hammered at 9am

Drunk husband starts taking selfies with his passed out wife

Wife wakes up and wants to talk

Try to ignore them and read

The wife keeps drunkenly engaging me

Keep ignoring them

Fuck it

Decide to join them

Order gin and tonic

Try to join them


Try again


Try to remember what I set out to do in the first place

Realize i can't keep up

Listen intently as (can't remember her name) pours her heart and soul out to me about their kids

Watch her rum and cokes go from coke-colored to teaspoon-of-coke-in-a-glass-of-rum colored

Mediate a near argument between the flight attendant and 50+ year old marine husband guy over lack of rum

Rejoice when the flight attendant steals rum from first class (fuck them)

Help 50+ yro woman use the bathroom

Wait patiently for her to finish

Pull her out of the bathroom when she opens the door yelling WHY WONT IT FLUSH!?! while she punches the "Put Trash Here" flap

I use the bathroom

Realized after I come back from the bathroom that 50+ yro couple has (either deliberately or mistakenly) poured rum into my gin and tonic

Let bygones be bygones and finish the drink

Listen uncomfortably as 50+ yro woman rants about having to sit next to overweight people on plane

Nail a deadpan cold expression as i explain that my girlfriend isn't sitting with me because she's sitting up front in a special wheel chair because she's too big to fit in a normal seat

Tell 50+ yro woman I'm kidding just before she starts crying

Buy a micro can of Pringles for $4 because someone said "we should probably eat something"

Count the Pringles and realize they're over $.10 each

Realize the 50+ yro couple has eaten all my Pringles

Bribe the attendant for more rum

Realize we're landing and 50+ yro woman has passed out

Try to wake her to help put on her seatbelt, husband tells me "don't bother"

We land

We taxi

We sit

We sit

Husband starts demanding that they open the doors

Flight attendant reminds husband that there's children around him

He persists

I unbuckle my seatbelt

She tells me to put it back on

I beg to use the bathroom

Husband drops his "open the doors" cause and takes up my cause by repeating "let the guy pee" over and over

The flight attendant relents

I use the bathroom and slip her a $20 on my way out "thanks for not diverting the flight"

They open all the doors we get off the plane

It's warm

Last time I saw the 50+ yro couple she was staggering around at one end of the airport while her husband was staggering around the other end saying "I lost my wife"

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