Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Morning After the After Party III

I looked around trying to figure out where the closest one was so I could mash him and then hold up his carcass and scream “SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MAKE LOCUST NOISES IN MY BEDROOM?!?!?” Then it became apparent that the locusts were in my head and after a little thought I realized my ears were ringing. Remember that 18 wheeler with all the spikes on it from Mad Max? It sounded like someone was driving that thing through a wind chime factory. I noticed that if I stood perfectly still the ringing got turned down just a little bit, like from 11 to 10. So, with a comfortable volume 10 ringing in my head I held perfectly still and stared at a picture on the wall. It was a frame that held several photos of me as a child up through my teenage years. My mother had given it to me a few years ago. One frame has a picture of me when I was about seven, wearing a Redskins sweater while opening a Christmas present that's half out of the shot. They look like a bulk pack of socks but it's hard to tell. Actually, I look really excited in the picture so it's probably not socks. I mean, I was a weird kid but I wasn't so weird that bulk pack socks were the highlight of my Christmas. The next photo is of my mother and myself when I was about 12. She's wearing dark sunglasses and an 80's high collared cotton shirt. I'm just slightly more in the foreground with my head turned to the right a bit and squinting ever so slightly into the camera. While I was admiring the kickass Steve Perry mullet my 12 year old ass was sportin' I started to wonder where this picture was taken.

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